This is only a way to guide me find out who I am, how I feel and how things are connected to me.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Status: complicated

Hati kita itu sangat luas...
Kita gak mungkin dedikasikan hati kita untuk satu orang saja...
Selalu ada tempat di hati kita
untuk orang lain: orang tua, saudara, teman, negara

Makanya kita bodoh amat kalo kita egois untuk menuntut seluruh perasaan orang lain dikasih ke kita

A friend told me that. Hmm, it's complicated. But still, whether you agree or not, the answer always back to you. God gave us the freewill and courage to decide and do what you want. But then, there are consequences waiting.

And I told this to myself.

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